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Sunday, January 31, 2010

See Grayson crawl!

Well, the day is here! Grayson can officially make his own (slow) way in an ever increasing world for the little guy...

The changes week to week are simply amazing right now. He's had himself in position to crawl for several weeks, but just couldn't put everything together...it all changed this week though, and he's motoring around now very quickly. He continually works himself into awkward positions around furniture, requiring our intervention, but he's really on his way.

Most of all he loves to stand up now though. He can pull himself up from a sitting position and he is side stepping along the coffee table and making transitions to different pieces of furniture now. You should see his face when he pulls himself up...Pride personified!

Here is a short video of him crawling this morning, and a couple pics from when he woke up from his nap. Speaking of nap, you should see how much hair he has now!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It has been a tough week for little man...

The sleepless nights started on Saturday night...

On Monday he was diagnosed with Bronchialitus (sp?)

On Wednesday he was diagnosed with a double ear infection

We also noticed his first tooth coming in Wednesday too!...

We are happy that his teeth are here, but we would have preferred a different week...right?

He seems better now, although he is always his happy, jolly self during the day so it is hard to figure out what is wrong when he is fine all day and then loses it during the night.
So here is to anti-biotics and a long winters nap! Love you guys! Here are a couple blizzard day pics that didn't get posted before...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wth the Kearney Clan...

On Monday we drove over to Saginaw to visit with the Kearney Clan at Erin and Josh's house...the whole family packed under one roof, but laughter and playfulness is all you hear when we are together. Erin's kids are at such fun ages and all of them have personality coming out their ears! Madison was the star of the show this year.


The only unfortunate part of this trip was Grayson getting an ear infection that started to come on at the end of our time with the Gahans and blossomed for us the rest of the trip (even after Erin got us in to see her Pediatrician and got anti-biotics - Thanks Erin!). We sure did have a great time during the daytime with little man, but he was a little Christmas terrorist at night for Allyson and me...

I got a Wii from Allyson!

Here are some of the other pictures from our time with the Kearneys...

Amma, Erin and Gray:

Megan's smile is infectious!

Allyson with her new coat and Ed with his camera...

Family in action...Linda happy as a clam...

With the Gahan Clan...

My mom started us off by reading "The Night Before an Irish Christmas". She read it in her best Irish Brogue, but some of us in the back of the room will remember Ian (1.5 years old) saying "Doggies" over and over and over while mom was reading...It was hilarious :)

We had a little issue with our dog sitting situation at home, so the pups made the trip with us...packed in like Sardines I tell yea...but Ian couldn't get enough of the dogs, even if he was a little scared of them! He loved watching them from afar, but wouldn't let em come very close until toward the end of our time at Kevin and Jackie's house. He was so funny to watch whenever Truman or Stella pranced into the room unexpectedly.
Seeing Jora grow up to the vivacious young lady that she is is truly terrifying, because I remember holding her when she came home from the hospital at birth...She was showing us her dance routines from class and putting on an awesome show. Such a talented person!!!

Ian getting a motorcycle and Gray playing with Kael and Kennedy:

Papa and Gray...Nikki and Kael...Jackie and Jora...Kevin and Jora...

Merry Christmas and Happy Everything!

Well, the trip to Michigan was great! Very busy, of course, but so much fun to see Grayson in action with his growing clan of cousins... We spent our first night at Troy and Nikki's house in Detroit. It was Christmas Eve, so we got to see Kael (3 years old) celebrate the arrival of Santa Claus the next morning and I can't wait for Gray to be that excited for Christmas...:)