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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Chemo round #3

Good Morning!

The picture above is from a few moments ago. I'm sitting here with Ally at round #3 of her chemo treatments and she's cracking jokes with the staff and keeping the mood light! We were just talking about how she's been having more energy the last couple of days where she is able to get through full days of work...but now she has to go back to that zone where she hits the wall every day and needs all the sleep she can get. :(  However, the doctor is good at pointing out all the other side effects that she could be going through in a way that makes us feel much better about where she is at right now!

We saw the medical oncologist (chemo doc) before she headed to the infusion center and he again was VERY happy to hear and see how everything is going. Both Ally and the doctor can no longer feel the original tumor, so we couldn't be any happier than we are about that development!

Next week we'll check in with the surgical oncologist (he will handle mastectomies) and start getting the skinny on reconstruction doctors and getting all the information we need in order to prepare her for the surgery. No dates have been set yet for surgery, and we likely won't be able to schedule it until after the last round of Chemo (around St. Patty's day). Then we'll have a much better idea of our longer term timeline...

We've got a ton of people helping with meals and helping in many other ways, so thank you so much for all the help you are giving us...whether through prayer or meals or whatever. We feel truly blessed to have such loving people around us.

I'll let you know how she is doing after a couple of days once she gets through the roughest part.

Love you,
