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Sunday, March 27, 2011

The fun never stops!

Man I can't wait for spring to arrive with warmer weather and less germs! He does well for two weeks and then he does poorly for two...rinse and repeat...Saturday morning I got up to the smell of raw sewage and after changing him out of his PJs and throwing everything from the crib in the washer there was no way he was going back down to sleep. Later that morning he had just eaten the first solid meal in several days and he coughs a couple times and then vomits everything onto my shirt and into my lap. Straight to the tub for his second bath of the day...
The weird thing is that he can still find time to be in a jolly mood (once in awhile at least...)
Please ignore the vomit on his shirt in the following pictures. He had trouble keeping some stuff down today as well :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A rainy Sunday...

Hey All! Hope everyone is doing well. It is a rainy day in Annapolis and that suits me just fine. Lots of busy weekends lately so chilling out and watching Los Bulls vs. El Heat makes for a perfect afternoon. Just wanted to throw a few pictures your way from over the last couple weeks. I'm pretty sure we are reaching the terrible 2s a little early because Grayson has taken on crying and throwing tamtrums as a second job. "Cry it out" has taken on a whole new meaning...;)
Wearing dad's running hats...
Allyson walked into the living room after getting ready for work and Grayson is laying on the floor reading Dad's muscle mag...
Babysitting for some friends, Grayson was actually watching a movie for a little while eating popcorn!