In ten days time, he has gained One Whole Pound, and grew 1.5 Inches in Length. How is that even possible?! Did the hospital measure incorrectly on his B-day or something? No way, I saw them take the measurements myself, I was standing right there.
Yet when Allyson brought him in for his latest checkup it was obvious that he had gained and grown, right before our very eyes. He's doing soooo well you guys! 
Here he is with Katie Baculic on Saturday afternoon. He endured the 1.5 hour road trip to Ashburn, VA in blissful sleep, and got to meet the warm and loving family that I now love as much as my own. Having the Kearney/Smith family so close has been a blessing for Allyson and I since we moved here. It felt so good to see their happy faces and revel in their excitement for us!
Speaking of family:
That is Ally's brother Sean on the right (with Linda/Ed in the middle of course). Sean got here on Friday and he brought baby Sarah with him. We certainly wish Steph was here with him, but we understand that duty takes priority... We'll see you in a few weeks Steph, be safe!
So as you can see, we've had a full house since Grayson got here! I dropped Ed/Linda off at the airport a few hours ago so the crowd is starting to dim, but Allyson and I are excited to do this on our own now. We can't thank Ed and Linda enough though for being here over the last several days! I think it is awesome that Ed got to experience the moment when Ally's water broke, and having Linda to help with Grayson, make us dinners, clean house, and offer her advice was/is so greatly appreciated that I'm not sure how we can pay her back. Thank you so much for coming you guys, we love you and can't wait to see you at the beach!
As for my family, I'm eagerly awaiting Grayson's first road trip to Michigan. We'll be there at the end of June and we'll get to see the whole fam dam and Kevin and Jackie's new house as well. We are so excited to see you all, and I'm practically counting the days. It will be great to see him next to all the his new cousins, uncles and aunts. I'm especially looking forward to seeing mom and pop hold him too... We'll see you soon and we love you!
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