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Saturday, February 6, 2010

We Surrender!

Can't post any pictures at the moment...because we're at a friends house for the night due to losing power :(...Usually I blame it on living in the woods, but in this case there has been so much snow in such a short amount of time that trees everywhere are going down.

People stuck everywhere, main highways aren't even really plowed yet. Snow just stopped, but there is so much work to be done that it will be days before everyone is dug out of this one.

Tomorrow night we'll stay at a hotel, and then we'll re-evaluate what to do. Two huge trees are down blocking the main access to our neighborhood (which also took down the power), and it is going to be awhile before chainsaws and electricians show up on-site....We need a generator that can tie into our furnace and then we'd be fine, but when the temps get into the teens at night it changes things dramatically.

We'll keep you updated!

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