I don't have any excuses other than "sorry for being so lazy". This fall was crazy busy with work and the weekends always seemed to be taken up with traveling or other events...oh yea, no excuses...
I won't attempt to write anything witty today as I have a ton of pictures to post as sort of a collage of our fall and holiday period. I'll add in comments as I post pictures...
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, so Grayson was very interested to observe the annual carving contest between Ally and I...
Trying to Christmas shop in Toys R' Us for all of Grayson's cousins proved to be both fun for us and a little difficult as little man was like a kid in a candy store!
Here is a picture from our first annual Christmas party in front of the tree... and then a picture of us outside church on Christmas eve. I think Grayson made it through the first 15-20 minutes and then he was out the door running around...
Christmas Day was so much fun aside from the fact that we stayed in Maryland versus travelling to Michigan this year like normal. Here is our tree and some great pictures of Grayson as he waited patiently to open the next gift...
After we were done opening presents we went on a family walk with Grayson's new red wagon...as time wears on I'm not sure he's made it through one entire ride fully awake...he is usually out cold when we get home!
For Martin Luther King weekend we did a little get away to Williamsburg VA, where we saw some horses grazing in a small pasture. We went over to point the horses out to Gray and one of them saw us and walked over to us immediately and started sticking their noses through the gate! It was awesome petting them, but Grayson didn't want to get too close!
For my Christmas present Allyson got me tickets to see the Blackhawks (good guys) play the evil Red Wings in Detroit...so I took advantage of the fact that Grayson is not yet 2 and brought him along in my carry on luggage! It was so much fun to see him play with his cousins, and he even gave my parents a hug/kiss goodbye (major progress there)..

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