Hey All! Well...every weekend in April has been mega-busy, but we were rewarded for all that hard work with an awesome experience on vacation this spring. On April 8, we started a vacation out to the west coast to see some family, friends and some sights along the way. We squeezed so much in (as usual), but it was worth every minute.
The picture above was taken about 100 yards from the front door of the house we rented on the Oregon coast in Cape Meares. My brother Scott and his wife Alia met us there and organized the stay for us and it was awesome to see them after so long and be amazed by the rugged coast line. They found a perfect spot where the front door opened up to the ocean and the back door walked out on to a fresh water lake. Unreal to say the least.
Of course we went a little heavy on the Oregon micro-brew and wine the first night so we were a little slow to start on Saturday. That should have been the day we went out for a hike. Instead we took it slow and rested after our full day of travel to get there and we just relaxed and enjoyed eachother's company. That night it started raining sidways with winds over 40 mpg (and temps just under 50) and it stayed that way until Monday morning when it was time to leave :( No worries though! We still tried to go outdoors and do some hiking in the poor weather (it was a blast for me and I would have done it all day if I had the choice). I think Grayson was handling it better than Allyson actually!
Unfortunately (or fortunately) there weren't many people to help us with pictures so we could get one big group shot...
The first pic is of Alia, Scott, Me and Dr. Leo Marvin (the 150 lb beast). That dog dwarfed Allyson, let alone Grayson, but he is a gentle giant in every way. He seemed very protective of Grayson right off the bat...very cool.
The group walking from the front door to the beach.

Scott and Gray
So the house came with canoes, kayaks, bikes, and anything else you could possibly want for a weekend adventure and we had to get Grayson out onto the water at some point. Scott and I rowed the canoe and we put Grayson on Allyson's lap in the middle and tooled around the lake for a bit. Grayson wanted to get up and move around, much to Allyson's chagrin ;)
For some reason little man really took to the dog cage that had been left by the owner. He loved going in and shutting the door and just hanging out, so we got a few pics of the cuteness.
Story: On the first night we were there we had kept Grayson up very late in order to try and get him on west coast time. He was a trooper, but finally hit the wall. We put him down and went downstairs to hang out. After awhile, we couldn't find Dr. Leo Marvin (the 150 lb dog we barely new). After it was clear he wasn't outside and not on our level I knew right where to go. Sure enough he was in our bedroom laying on the floor next to the pack and play with Grayson sleeping right there. The next morning Leo wouldn't stop licking Grayson's face and we knew we were dealing with a dog with natural protective instincts. :)
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