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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

36 hours after first treatment

Thought I would post a quick update before I hit the rack for the night...She's doing ok!

She gets pushed two different groups of drugs during her chemo treatments, and because she's in the clinical trial and because she was going through her very first treatment they have/had to add in some extra steps.  The first push consisted of the experimental drugs that have proven to work so effectively in the first phases of the trial. Allyson seemed to do just fine with that part and showed no ill effects...

The second push of drugs came on stronger though (these are the more traditional chemo drugs), and she immediately got very tired and described it "like getting hit by a truck" after it was over. It was a long day at the hospital from 8AM-4:30PM, but the emotional victory of making it onto the experimental arm of the trial and the realization that she likely wouldn't be losing her hair made the day much easier to bear.

She was obviously tired last night, but got a pretty good night of rest and woke up nauseous and with blood shot eyes. She's a trooper though, and went to work like the strong woman she is and felt pretty good until about mid-afternoon when she hit the wall for the day. She came home and took a nap and was very tired all evening. We had friends that made us dinner tonight, so thank you Zeke and Jenelle for that!

Linda has been a "Godsend" to us as Grayson took a major turn for the worse Sunday night. His throat got very sensitive and the doctor said it would be bad again starting around 5 or 6 days after surgery. We kept  him home both Monday and today because he just wasn't ready to go back to school, but tomorrow is a new ball game and the kid is going to rejoin reality! Linda really stepped up and took care of Gray all day BOTH days so we could be at the hospital together and then so we could both go back to work after the long holiday last week. We can't thank you enough for being here Linda... Love you!

That's about it for now...I'll post more as it comes in.

Take care!


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