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Thursday, February 26, 2015

2 days post chemo

Well, She's doing pretty good today, health-wise! Usually this is the day (2 days after chemo) where she is beat down and lying in bed with flu-like symptoms. I knew we would have the kids home from school for a "snow day" today, so I was a little worried about them adding to her tough day, but they are being good kids and Ally is actually up in the office working away versus being in bed in bad shape. All good!

"Snow Day" - yea right! You can still see the grass! the weathermen down here missed this one badly for our area, south of Charlotte. Looks like North Charlotte got about 3 inches though, so I guess you have to cancel school after all.

Tough news to hear on Tuesday though....Up until this point we were under the impression that Allyson would only go through 6 treatments of chemo before surgery, and then be done with the chemo portion of the clinical trial afterward. She would still have to take the trial drugs for 18 cycles after surgery, but the chemo drugs would be taken out of the the process. Well, on Tuesday we learned that she will actually go through 18 more full cycles (trial drugs and current chemo)...and on the same schedule...every three weeks. This was devastating to hear for Allyson, and for the rest of us cheering her on. While she isn't going through the same debilitating drug process that other people go through, it still takes so much out of her that it makes work and taking care of kids very difficult.

Please sending your prayers and positive thoughts...she needs them now more than ever.

Love you,


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