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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Amazing news update!

Well, the surgical oncologist called last night, but we missed the call and he didn't leave a message, and then his office was closed when we called back....argh! We knew he had an update with pathology reports so we called first thing but he wasn't in yet. Around 9:30 he called back to report that the cancer in the breast tissue taken during surgery showed no signs of life! The cancer retreated into remission before it was even taken out....so LIFE IS GOOD! Woohoo!

We go in this afternoon to see the reconstruction doctors for a post-surgery follow-up exam, and then we see the surgical oncologist tomorrow to review the full results that he called with today.

The next steps: We see the chemo oncologist on Tuesday morning to review the pathology reports with him, and then he lays out the next steps in treatment for Allyson. Up until this point we knew if the results from the surgery were this good that she would have 18 cycles of treatment left using the clinical trial drugs.

However, we also know that the clinical trial drugs are hard on a person's heart, so we are worried about long term use of those drugs. We don't want to get our hopes up that the treatment plan will change as a result of such positive pathology reports, but it is hard not to... Maybe she won't have to go through this for as long as originally described?

This weekend will be gorgeous in Charlotte...sunny and in the high 70s...and Megs/Trip come to town tonight to spend the weekend and now celebrate with us! A bottle of bubbly is in order! We've got lots going on, so please pray for me as I try to tie down Allyson so she doesn't get carried away and still thinks about taking care of herself. She continues to do remarkably well and is recovering nicely. She's up and about most of the day now and the drainage tubes are filling with less and less fluid, so everything seems to be going well at this point with recovery.

We've got more meals/dinners lined up for the next few weeks that I will have a hard time not gaining  a lot of weight, but you can't let it go to waste! Thank you so much for all the people that have been helping out with meals, or even just praying and sending positive energy our way. We are truly blessed in so many ways that I can't do it justice in writing.

Have a great weekend!

Love you, Kyle


  1. I have been thinking about you and checking daily to keep up with your posts. I'm so happy for the news and I hope the treatment plan works out in your favor. Cheers to remission 🎉. F Cancer!

  2. Great news!! We will continue to pray for more good news!
