So it turned out to be a very tough week for mom and I...After last weekend, we (Allyson) finally accepted that it may be time to let the little man "cry it out" for a change...:( He's had a few nights since he was born where he allowed us to get some sleep, but they were far too infrequent to catch up on any real sleep. Working full time and getting up 3 or 4 times a night is too much for two people working full time.
We heard that the process should only take 3 or 4 nights before he gets the hang of it and figures out how to pacify himself back to sleep, and thank GOD, that was indeed the case. The first two nights were brutal and we lost major ground in the sleep department as we lied in bed listening to him wail.
On the third night he started crying early (as soon as we crawled in bed), so we prepared ourselves for another long night...but then it quieted down and stopped altogether...next thing I know I'm getting up at 2AM to feed him, and then the alarm going off when it is supposed to!! He only got up once!! We thought it may be a fluke until the 4th and 5th nights roll by in the same manner...Man, what a relief!
Anyway, the title of the post Kyle, get to the point...We went out on Friday night and went for Sushi...It was a place we've never been too before, and it was nicer than we expected. In the past, Grayson has always been very good at chilling out in his car seat and letting mom and dad eat their food in comfort...Not the case anymore says Grayson...He's active now, and he wants to be up and looking around. He wants to drink out of our glasses and shriek like a pterodactyl. He wants to touch our plates and fling them on the floor...you get the picture...It appears that Applebees and Ruby Tuesdays just entered back into our concious from their past place on our "Do not" list... Oh well...Here are some pictures from that night:

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