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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grayson arrives!!

So this is how Ed sees his daughter as he arrives the next morning just before delivery...It's tough to see an old man cry! She was shaking/shivering (hormonally influenced), and in need of oxygen to ensure that Grayson was getting enough should his umbilical cord be getting crunched in the birth canal.

While time-wise, the labor and delivery only took from 10PM - 12:48 PM the next day (short when compared to other horror stories), there was plenty of drama to go around...

Due to blood thinners that Allyson was taking during the pregnancy, she was not allowed to have an epidural until 12 hours past her last injection (7:00 PM). That's right, she got to lay in bed all night and writhe in agony through the first part of her labor without any real pain meds. But shortly after 7:00AM (read 7:45 hospital time), relief arrived with an anesthesiologist in an Irish smock with four leaf clovers all over it. Too bad it took her 4 pokes to get the port in the right spot! Irish Luck indeed!

They were just about to start a new poke because Allyson wasn't feeling the pain relief, so we started to move her when she looked up and said "I can't feel my ass...". This is a good thing! The medicine was flowing, and she laid back and signed in relief...

Everything is going well, because she goes from 4 cm dilation to 10 in 90 minutes. The Dr. says that we can turn the inducing agent (read: contraction speeder upper) off. They just want to see him work his way down the birth canal a little further before she starts pushing. Well another 90 minutes go by and nothing has happened. They have her push a little, and re-introduce pitosin.

His heart rate drops as soon as the pitosin hits the blood stream...A few short words between Dr. and nurse..."Allyson, we need you to push now, it is too late for a C-section"....Pitosin is stopped...A team of NICU personnel and other nurses rush in...Allyson is crying, but the Dr. is confident and calm...Allyson is pushing, and pushing strongly...man that vacuum thing they have attached to his head is weird... THERE HE IS FOLKS...Grayson Michael Gahan!!!

And he is pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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