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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Grayson's tonsillectomy a success!

Hey Everyone! So Grayson had his tonsils and adenoids taken out this morning.... The picture above was taken shortly after they gave him a light sedative to relax him. He was absolutely hilarious and started telling us we had four eyes and two noses. He was signing songs and giggling...and had no problem being wheeled away from us.

And then he woke up from surgery...in pain and not knowing anyone around him. :( They wouldn't allow us back into the recovery room until he was fully awake, so when we got there he was crying hysterically and couldn't calm down. With a little help from narcotics we finally got him to drink some water so they would let him go home. After a couple hours of napping he woke up and ate two whole sandwiches!

We were not expecting him to do so well, so quickly...so life is good! His voice is a little higher than it was when he went in, so that is a funny side effect...but the doctor said his tonsils were the size of golf balls, so I guess it makes sense that it would change the pitch a little bit.  He's still complaining about pain, but that is completely normal.

Our boy is a trooper!

Allyson update: She will start chemo next week Monday. Germany was not able to get her fully into the clinical trial before today, and the hospital only does chemo on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. They are going to make a special exception for her next week to get her started. We are working with great people.

Love you!


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